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Dr. Johnson is a Licensed Educational Psychologist (L.E.P. CA 1781) and a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (L.P.C.C. CA 1001) with more than 40 years of experience as a psychologist in the schools and in private practice. 


Dr. Johnson received her training in graduate programs at San Diego State University (M.S.) and University of California, Riverside (PhD). She has had advanced training and experience in mental health, therapueutic models, neuropsychological assessment (UC Berkeley; Texas Women's University), and autism identification. She has earned Diplomate status with the American Board of  School Neuropsychology.


Dr. Johnson has published articles on learning disabilities and special education, and she has been a Visiting Professor of School Psychology at San Diego State. 

701 Garden View Court


Encinitas, CA 92024

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PATh Psychological Assessments and Therapy


Deanne Johnson, PhD


Discover potential.Learn.Succeed with PATh



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